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Social Leader Award


These award categories cover a broad range of ESG topics and encourage businesses to strive for excellence in all aspects of sustainability, from environmental stewardship to social responsibility and good governance practices.

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Supporting organisations
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Environmental Leadership Awards

1. Environmental Leadership Awards : Honors companies demonstrating outstanding leadership and achievement in environmental sustainability through initiatives to tackle climate change, reduce pollution, protect natural resources and transition to a circular economy. Judges will evaluate emissions reductions, investments in renewable energy and clean technology, sustainable sourcing and production practices, nature-based solutions and other programs to minimize environmental harms. Winners set a high standard for global stewardship.


Social Impact Awards

2. Social Impact Awards : Recognizes companies driving significant positive impact on social issues such as education, healthcare, economic opportunity, diversity and inclusion through innovative new programs, partnerships and business models. Judges will assess benefits to global communities and underserved groups, number of lives improved, and corporate policies and culture driving social responsibility. Purpose and good governance have great power to inspire change.


Innovation in Sustainability Awards

3. Innovation in Sustainability Awards :Celebrates companies developing pioneering technologies, products and services that accelerate progress on sustainability challenges in industries critical to humankind. Judges will consider level of innovation involved, potential for scale and meaningful impact on issues like renewable energy, sustainable mobility, green building, livable cities and climate adaptation. In solving for sustainability, we secure a better future.


Sustainability in ESG Reporting Awards

4. Sustainability in ESG Reporting Awards : Honors companies providing leadership in sustainability transparency and disclosure to inform investor decision making and enable stakeholder evaluation of environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities. Judges will review public reporting against leading standards  like GRI and SASB, identify best practices, and recognize the most thorough, consistent and forward-looking disclosures of sustainability strategies, performance and governance. What gets measured gets managed; progress requires accountability.

Award ceremony of 2019 ( at HKCEC)
and 2020 (at Eaton Hotel)
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Exhibition of winners will be held in Central Market early Sept, 2023

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