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Digital Entertainment Awards 2023

Award ceremony will be held at Digital Entertainment Leader Forum (DELF) 2023 at Cyberport on 25 Aug, 2023 

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NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment Awards 2023

Award Presenter

Emil Chan
Adjunct Professor 
College of Business
City University of Hong Kong

The winners have been revealed for the inaugural NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment Awards celebrating innovation and creativity across AIGC, interactive media, immersive technology, digital content, gaming, digital art & music.


After the judging, please find the following award winning start-ups below.


<AI-generated or assisted creative content like text, audio, visual media>

Element Music

Wavve Labs

DLB Plus

Augmented, virtual, or mixed reality applications

Gusto XR Lab 



<Multi-sensory, immersive entertainment venues>


Formula Square

AME Stadium 



<Next-generation Web3 social, multiplayer, or live participatory media>



Meta Artainment 

Beampluslab Limited 
Challenger Z-ntertainment Limited 

Starwave Workshop Limited


<Music, Art & Culture with tech>


Benson Koo

<Student division>

VR tour for M+

AR story book

NPC gaming with AI chatbot



Congratulations to all of this year’s talented NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment Awards winners! Our panel of judges were thoroughly impressed by the innovation and creativity demonstrated across these outstanding projects pushing the boundaries of digital entertainment. We thank all who submitted their trailblazing work and look forward to seeing what new trends in digital creativity will emerge next year!

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Strategic Partner :

Supporting Organisation

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Movie NFT Partner :

Media Partner :

Web3 Community Partner :

Metaverse Partner :

Art Community Partner :

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R&D Partner :

Supporting Partner :

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Substainability Partner :

Ecosystem Partner :

GO-Museum at the Peak
3HK 5G Live Station
Central Market

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Ceremony of NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment Awards 2022
will be held at
Digital Entertainment Leader Forum (DELF) 2022
on 26 Aug 4:30-6:00pm


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Awards Ceremony 
CyberArena, Cyberport
26 Aug (Fri), 4:30 - 6:00pm

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Opening session :


4:30pm - 4:35pm Opening Speech  :
Mann Yim, Chairman, NEXXCREATE 


4:35pm - 4:40pm Welcome Remarks   :
Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer, Cyberport


4:40pm - 4:45pm Keynote Speech      :  
Kingsley Wong, Acting Deputy Government Chief Information Officer/Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Industry Development)


4:45pm - 4:50pm Keynote Speech      :  
Amanda Tung , Director - Fintech and Digital Partnership, Visa Hong Kong and Macau. Visa


4:50pm - 4:55pm Keynote Speech.      :

Ellen Fu, VP, Head of Consumer Electronics and Enterprise BusinessSamsung

4:55pm - 5:00pm Keynote Speech.      :

Benny Ho, Head of Business Development, Animoca Brands 


Award presentation session :


 5:00- 6:00pm : Award presentation to the following categories 



1) NEXXCREATE Excellence In Art Tech Innovation Awards 


2) NEXXCREATE Top 10 Excellence in Start-up Innovation Awards (NFT, Web3 & Metaverse) 


3) NEXXCREATE Excellence in Art Tech  Experience Awards (Interactive & Immersive) 


4) NEXXCREATE Top 10 Excellence in Art Tech Business Cases Awards (Immersive, NFT, Web3 & Metaverse) 


5) NEXXCREATE Excellence in Art Tech  Experience Awards (Interactive & Immersive) - Masterclass 

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Digital Entertainment Leader Forum (DELF) 2022 organised by Cyberport

Alvin Yip
Chief Catalyst
Chinachem Group

Anita Chau
Head of Ecosystem Development

Mann Yim

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Simon Lee
Director, Client development in FinTech, PropTech & Art-Tech


Tania Lau

Senior Director 

Marketing and Communication, APAC


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Alice Yip

Head of Consumer and Industrial Markets 


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Peter Koo
Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Services Advisory Committee member

Chris Chuang


Ryan Chan
Head of Sales

ISV, North Asia

Google Cloud

Don't miss out next stop at STEAM HUB, 1/F
in Central Market, 6 - 14 Aug

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NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment FEST (NDEF),  taking place throughout the months of June to Aug, 2022. Besides the awards, a series of featured artworks & NFT exhibitions, immersive digital art performances, Master Series of livestream and education NFT & Metaverse workshops and more during NDEF. The NDEF aims to weave an engaging dialogue to share inspiring and creative ideas, latest digital creation, blockchain technology and trends among digital artists, the greater public, the innovation sector, collectors and art patrons.

第二站活動簡介 (8月7號 - 8月14號)

地點 : STEAM Hub, 1/F, 中環街市

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Alex Wong
Co-founder / Director, business Development

Jeff Chen

Jennifer Tam
Director - Marketing

Immersive Art Installation by Kaya Cheung

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Fiona Ho@米紙 x NEXXCREATE

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Fiona Ho

大家一定經常都喺米紙youtube channel見到Fiona。
今次,Fiona 以香港特色霓虹燈街景繪製作品
-霓虹,並會在NEXXCREATE 舉辦Art+Tech活動首次在中環街市展出,到時記得參觀參觀埋Fiona Ho其他作品

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細細個跟屋企人去街市, 會唔會好驚街市四大惡人呢: 豬肉榮,賣魚勝, 菠菜蓮, 擔挑星?


Tinbot以香港特色街市為背景,特別繪製數碼作品,並會在NEXXCREATE 舉辦Art+Tech活動首次在中環街市展出,記得參觀Tinbot攤位及實體的作品。

豬肉榮, 賣魚勝, 菠菜蓮, 擔挑星



熱血港產電影《一秒拳王》NFT 首次在香港展出

金像獎2022|最佳原創電影歌曲 時間的初衷 《一秒拳王》

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Art Tech + Substainability Education Workshop
(Art Tech + 可持續性教育工作坊)
13 - 14 Aug
Zero Waste & Up-cycling

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活動簡介 (8月7號)

a) 時間  :1:45pm - 2:30pm
從傳統水墨畫意景的視覺體驗過渡至沉浸式空間的多感觀體驗,分享/當代水墨藝術家:張展恒 (Kaya Cheung)

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分享會 :

b) 時間 : 2:30pm - 3:20pm
分享會: 藝術與文化創作新體驗 (I)
主持 : Mann Yim, NEXXCREATE
嘉賓 :

Mani Man (文佩卿), 電影製片人 (電影製作包括:一秒拳王& 濁水漂流)

KY Wong (黃嘉瀛) , 藝術家及策展人

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c) 時間 : 3:30pm - 4:20pm
分享會: 藝術與文化創作新體驗 (II)
主持 : Mann Yim, NEXXCREATE
嘉賓 :
Lau Tung Pui, 社交媒體 - 顯影 Photostory
Hiuman Lam, 社交媒體 - 香港遺美
Fiona , 米紙 YouTube Channel

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d) 時間 : 4:30pm - 6:00pm
分享會 : 《第⼀屆元宇宙藝術年度展@威尼斯 /The 1st Annual METAVERSE Art @VENICE 》

參展藝術家分享 :

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Eric Seto

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Cheung Kwan Ho

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Jimmy Rice

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Wing Lo

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Clayton Chow

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Carlos Koo

Kick-off Ceremony of

NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment FEST cum Awards 2022

At GO-Museum in Peak Galleria
23 June, 2022

NEXXCREATE數碼娛樂節開幕禮@GO-Museum (6 月 23 日)

Opening Remarks
Mann Yim , Chairman, NEXXCREATE
Victor Lam, JP. Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) 
Partner Speech (I)
Anita Chau, Head of Ecosystem Development, Cyberport
Partner Speech (II)
Jenny Chung, Head of Product, VISA
Partner Speech (III)
Ellen Fu, VP, Head of Consumer Electronics and Enterprise Business, Samsung

Art + Tech Interview Master series Partnering with 3HK
NEXXCREATE x 3HK - Art + Tech 大師對談系列

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(6 月 23 日 至 7 月 10 日) 

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NFT 教育工作 :
大會得到Visa全力贊助,由NEXXCREATE提供導師,將於 6 月 23 日至 8 月 28 日在全港多地一共舉辦超過60場免費「NFT 教育工作坊」,讓公眾深入了解數碼資產背後概念,更有效及適當利用NFT作出明智決定。作為 NEXXCREATE 數碼娛樂節2022(NDEF2022)的重點活動,「NFT 教育工作坊」透過豐富且多元化的互動形式,教育內容涵蓋最新的科技主題,由 NFT 及智能合約的基礎知識、 NFT的實例應用,以至 Web3等概念。工作坊亦讓參加者即場簡單創造數碼藝術的圖像,幫助參加者深入了解 NFT相關知識和掌握實用技巧。

數碼藝術沉浸式體驗 :

-香港著名時裝設計師ANDY HO x 數碼藝術家JACK LEE 聯乘數碼角色作品
-香港遺美 (HIUMAN LAM本地歷史及文化攝影師) x 數碼藝術家 SUN YU 聯乘沉浸式視覺特效作品-
-數碼藝術家 SUN YU 沉浸式MV視覺特效作品

首次及獨家展出 :
-榮獲第40屆金像獎四項提名,熱血港產電影《一秒拳王》NFT 首次在香港展出為大會

特別創作之聯乘作品 :

-JVSY 電子音樂合成製作組合-沉浸式錄像音樂演出並製成NFT-
-JAY TANG香港著名人體彩繪師


NEXXCREATE今年舉辦第一屆 NEXXCREATE數碼娛樂節及數碼娛樂大獎,並聯同數碼港在8月26號 Digital Entertainment Leader Forum 2022 舉行數碼娛樂大獎頒獎典禮。藉此表揚亞洲不同地區數碼藝術創作者及科技先鋒的成就,屆時亦會邀請多名本地不同業界精英分享最新數碼藝術科技應用。 大會希望透過此活動,建立跨界別平台聯繫不同持份者,透過不同形式加強交流,創造更多協同效應,並且培育本地數碼藝術創作及科技人才,促進不同地區數碼藝術,科技及文化產業交流。
在五月初疫情稍緩和期間,大會以極短時間籌備數碼娛樂節,並得到多個著名合作夥伴支持,包括 3香港, Visa, GO-Museum, SAMSUNG, Animoca Brands,中環街市, ASTRI, VIVE。在六月底至8月底期間,大會將在多區進行藝術與科技結合的推廣活動, 包括山頂GO-Museum3香港銅鑼灣5G Live up Station 中環街市及數碼港。 活動邀請多名年青本地藝術家及不同單位進行首次跨界別創作,NFT和數碼藝術展覽。


Digital Entertainment Awards 2022

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Kick-off ceremony of NEXXCREATE
Digital Entertainment FEST 2022 at the Peak
on 23 Aug

The kick-off ceremony of NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment Award 2022 will be held at the Peak on 23rd June alongside an immersive experience of creative digital artworks and NFT exhibition at an ironic spot in Hong Kong. Don't miss out the unique experience with exploring talented digital artists in the region.

The award aims to recognise the outstanding art creators and technology pioneers who are creating next generation digital entertainment experience in blockchain, NFT, Web3 and Metaverse ecosystem.


It covers three categories : Interactive & immersive artworks and projects/products combining with the elements of NFTs, Web3 and Metaverse technology. Stay tuned.

Digital Entertainment FEST 2022

The awards is part of the NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment Fest (NDEF),  taking place throughout the months of June to Aug, 2022. Besides the awards, a series of featured artworks & NFT exhibitions, immersive digital art performances, Master Series of livestream and education NFT & Metaverse workshops and more during NDEF. The NDEF aims to weave an engaging dialogue to share inspiring and creative ideas, latest digital creation, blockchain technology and trends among digital artists, the greater public, the innovation sector, collectors and art patrons.

Over 60 FREE Education workshops
with Digital Art & NFT exhibitions at
multi-locations to the general public (June to Aug)

The Peak - Central Market - Cyberport

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NEXXCREATE Digital Entertainment Awards 2022
Presentation Ceremony at Cyberport on 26 Aug

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Master Series Live Stream Series of Art Tech 
at Cyberport (9, 16 & 23 Aug, 2021) 

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Live Stream Series of Art Tech 
at Cyberport (31 Aug, 2021) 

Master Series - LiveStream of Art Tech
at Cyberport in Sept 

Featuring Interview series at Cyberport

NEXXCREATE will collaborate with Cyberport for holding a series of artist interviews at Live Streaming Cubic in May and June

Piz for the 1st ep for NEXXCREATE x Cybe

Interview series (NEXXCREATE x CYberport)

Ep 1 : How do artists adopt the new normal for their art creation during Covid-19?


Featuring guest artists : Benson Koo and Carol Man

Benson Koo - Hong Kong visual artist, video director, and creator. His first solo gallery debuted in The Fringe Club in Hong Kong showcased the “扭曲” Collection. He received Reviewers Award in 2016 at the Unknown ASIA Art Exchange Osaka.

Carol Man is a visual artist in Hong Kong, presenting the two sides to stories in her cross-cultural projects. Besides exploring Chinese and Jewish traditions and practices, her works also carry hidden meanings to illustrate how the majority and the minority may see the world differently. The series of colourful dotty paintings is dedicated to her mentor, Henry Steiner – world-renowned graphic designer, for his inspiring teachings and encouragement for her artistic career.

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Ep 2 : How does a visual artist create artworks from conceptual ideas to final pieces with new technologies? 


Featuring guest artists :  Frédéric Bussière

French-Portuguese visual artist, Frédéric Bussière is graduated from a Master in Arts in France then started an international career: Buenos Aires, Paris, Sydney and finally Hong Kong. Through his travel, his approach of art has moved from 2D animation, to fashion video, and then finally to visual arts, incorporating video projection, installation and new technologies.

Many of his works explore the relationship between humans and nature, via the themes of biophilia, digital communities and air and water pollutions.

His approach is viewer centric, considering the audience as part of the art piece, by immersing the attendees into new audio-video experiences and also digital worlds and realities.

Featuring Interview series of Talented Young artists powered by HGC 

Ling Tse - A featuring multi-talented artists and her performance video is posted on HGC Global Communications' IG

Kick-off ceremony will be held in OCT





Playing Video Games
VR Headset

Featuring EVentS in May

Culture Exchange music performance

We have supported a culture exchange event , African and Chinese Cultures, at the soft launch art exhibition in Hon Ming Gallery on Hollywood Road on 8th May.

Thanks for the amazing performance by Halen Woo and Longman Luk again.

Special thanks : DreamLikeBubbles, Hon Ming Gallery

Interview with Computer Graphic Artists
Special thanks : Core Lo, Jack Lee, PureHey

Featuring stories
- will be published onLINE in June 
Special thanks : 3HK's 5G ShowRoom< HOng Ming Gallery and The Forest  


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