Ady Liu
儀式可可帶領者 | 綠色正念導師 | 音藥吟唱 | 清醒的企業
Ady在專業領域工作有20多年,因工作壓力和缺乏休息而經常生病,脾氣暴躁。2013年踏上靈修之路,透過正念禪修和另類療法重整自己。這些改變令她覺知身心靈健康不僅對身體及情緒有直接影響,對人生旅程也有直接關係。當人身心靈分離便生病;但相反,在合一時,無論外在環境怎樣混亂,我們身體每個細胞也充滿正能量、內心平靜、喜悅。Ady的服務宗旨: 讓人透過探索內在,對自己更了解。與自己越連結,越會明白與人,事和大自然Mother Earth的關係,記起「我是誰」,回到合一的本質。
Travis Leung
(太一 : 音樂/文藝/文靈)
“教育是學習者創造自己的過程,而藝術正是促進人們對自己的創造,因此藝術擴展了意識,滿足我們對意義的需求….” (Eisner, 2002)。
面對世事無常,現實被扭曲,發現我們還是需要學懂如何自處、尋找心靈與生活之間的平衡。「太一」另創造了一個空間給予尋道者學習與交流,同修內在品質,擴大感知以感受生命,回到自然原始狀態 。
(Yoga & sound facilitator/Gong & Crystal alchemist player/Monochord/Shamanic drums/ Multi-instruments
瑜伽導師/聲頻療癒師/銅鑼 & 水晶鉢/單弦琴/薩滿鼓/多類形樂器)
Kaman is a certified yoga instructor and intuitive sound facilitator with a unique blend of talents in various musical instruments. She has honed her expertise in sound therapy by playing the gong, crystal alchemy bowls, monochord, shamanic drums, and several other instruments.
Kaman's musical journey has been influenced by many inspirational teachers, artists, and musicians both locally and internationally. One notable mentor includes Martha Collard of Red Doors, with whom she has studied closely.
Throughout her career, Kaman has collaborated with numerous corporations, hotels, retreats abroad, and wellness brands - demonstrating her versatility and ability to adapt to different environments. Her work aims to create a holistic experience that intertwines the physical practice of yoga with the immersive and transformative power of sound.
Living by her motto, "Joie de vivre" - a French phrase that translates to "joy of living" - Kaman collaborates with various musicians and artists to provide more expansive and experimental immersive sound journeys. She is dedicated to sharing this joy and the transformative power of sound in the age of Aquarius, a time often associated with enlightenment, technology, and humanitarianism.
Her work embodies a deep commitment to wellness, spirituality, and the transformative power of sound, making her a unique figure in the world of yoga and sound therapy.
Kaman是一位資深瑜伽教練, 直覺頻率聲音引導者。她通過演奏銅鑼、水晶頌缽、單弦琴、薩滿鼓和其他幾種樂器獨特的聲音給予不同聲頻冶療,同時磨練了自己在聲音治療方面的專業知識。
平時活躍到處郊遊和自由工作者身份兼籌辦活動的她坐不定,同時間她從靈修旅程中正在尋找另一種方法來讓自己重新融入瞬間找到內心的平靜,除了靜修,肢體活動,聲音可說是給予最大感受的身心靈冶療藥方。她找到了聲音,聲療!水晶頌缽與銅鑼的頻率, 放下而重拾那種幸福如實的感覺。如此亦希望可以將這個感覺分享給大家體驗,放鬆休息。
參與學習音樂之旅受到了許多鼓舞人心的老師、藝術家、本地和國際音樂家,例如她的影響老師Martha Collard(紅門)。
Kaman秉承她的座右銘“Joie de vivre”(法語短語,翻譯為“生活的樂趣”),與多位音樂家和藝術家合作,提供更廣闊、更具實驗性的沉浸式聲音之旅。她致力於在水瓶座時代分享這種快樂和聲音的變革力量,這個時代通常與啟蒙、技術和人道主義聯繫在一起。
打著以「連接山脈與城市的橋樑」為旗號的 PROJ. MT.,其背後的中心思想就是一直大家忽略了香港優勢,就是正正因為本地的地理環境優勢,城市與山脈環環相扣,為何大家不能在下班後上山,或是下山後上班呢?
以往大家談到城市戶外風(Urban Outdoor),只停留於配搭戶外衣物風格,PROJ. MT. 卻認為這是一種留於表面的理解,最終的目標是應該把 Urban 與 Outdoor 兩大元素合二為一,令都市與戶外服裝的一體性大大提升,同時也希望透過 PROJ. MT. 接下來的每一波推出的產品、活動與展覽,讓城市與山脈兩者拉近,體現一種全新的生活文化!
Wong San 黃山 & Kathy Wong
(The Sumerian Studio / Hoszekwong)
The Sumerian Studio *Production House
Hoszekwong *Platform
2012年正式成立The Sumerian Studio,其後一直參與不同拍攝的工作。例如:商業拍攝、廣告短片、電視節目、演唱會錄像設計等等。
商業拍攝過往合作過的客戶包括Makerville , Viutv , Charlotte Tilbury、FWD Hong Kong、港鐵、Doughnut , Uber eat , Sothebys 等等。
Kwan Man Chun AKA BBOY ET
(Buddy Crew)
Dylan Hing / Lam Lee
Vee 由Dylan Hing (活動統籌&市場策劃) 與李俊霖 (攝影&美指) 成立於2019年。以輕鬆&無理頭風格,深入淺出地探索並推廣香港Hip Hop Music。紀錄地下音樂表演及拍攝V-Live 系列宣傳本地Rappers,於香港Hip Hop的社交媒體奠定基礎。2020年,加入Ming (編劇&剪接) 與 宇雲 (導演&文字)。2021至今策劃多場Hip Hop表演及活動,著重玩味及思考的傳遞。
Vee探討著何謂文化?Hip Hop在香港如何轉化她的精神?探索並且彰顯創作的價值。
Project Oi Kwan
Mark Lau
(Oi Kwan Barbers)
Mark Lau ka-shing was born in Hong Kong in 1990, and grew up in a traditional hairdressing family. He was majored in photography, taking commercial photography as his early career. At one point Mark needed to make a choice between his family business and his dream, he chose to safeguard his father's business.
With the encouragement of his loved ones, Mark is now practising as a community barber and exploring art through different media and collaborations. He introduces the art of traditional barber from the perspective of an inheritor of this craftsmanship, aiming to preserve this traditional old industry of Hong Kong.
Mark also participates in various community platforms to support the new generation artists and people in need in the society during his spare time.
劉嘉誠 生於1990年的香港,自少從傳統理髮家庭中長大, 早年於觀塘職業訓練中心主修攝影, 以商業攝影作路線。劉氏創作中期, 面對需要從家業與理想作決擇,不得放棄理想,回家守著父親的基業。
直至另一半鼓勵下,重拾攝影及藝術範疇, 找回“初衷”; 並以工藝傳承人觀點導入,轉化以不同媒介表達,將被時代巨輪吞噬的傳統老行業活現眼前。
Wong Wei-him
Wong Wei-him (b.1975, Vancouver) Graduated from the School of Architecture McGill University with a Bachelor degree in Science in 1999 and The University of Hong Kong with a Master degree in Architecture in 2001, Wong is trained as an architect and established In-between Architects, a design studio based in Hong Kong in 2010. His photography practice draws inspiration from space, architecture and also daily life on the streets. Wong has participated in group exhibitions including HKIA Roving Architecture Exhibitions in Kuala Lumpur and Nanjing (2023/24), Island(ed) at WMA (2022), “Your Shadow by the Sea” (Window & Alley 2022); “Fake” at CTypeMag (Thailand, 2022) and “Portal” at Inter-Island Festival (Hong Kong, 2021). Hisworks were shortlisted in the Italian Street Photo Festival 2020, WMA Masters Award 2019 and FotoFête by Asia Society Hong Kong (2016), and featured in international photo magazines.
王懷謙(1975,⽣於溫哥華)於1999年畢業⾃加拿⼤⿆基爾⼤學建築學院,後於2001年取得⾹港⼤學建築碩⼠。2010年在⾹港成⽴In-between Architects ,現為⼀位建築師及攝影師。他以空間、建築和⽣活為靈感,捕捉⽇常街頭的異景。近年參與的展覽包括“美美與共和⽽不同—連接⼤都會”吉隆坡–南京–⾹港建築巡迴展(2023/24), Island(ed) (WMA 2022) ,你的影⼦在海邊 (窗後巷2022) , 泰國CTypeMag的「Fake」(2022)及⾹港船到橋頭⽣活節的「渡」群展(2021);其作品亦曾⼊選「意⼤利街頭攝影節」(2020)、WMA ⼤師攝影獎(2019)及亞洲協會⾹港中⼼的FotoFête (2016)並刊登於多本攝影雜誌。
Christina Brandt Jensen
Christina Brandt Jensen is a trained choreographer and brings this background into her curatorial approach. At the core is love for creative expression, community and creating memorable experiences for audiences in unusual spaces. She has been practicing event-making since her early days as a dance student in London with the Explorer Collective, bringing art performance to clubs and galleries, leading to many years of directing site-specific dance in Hong Kong and then crossing over to multi-artform festivals for Cheung Chau Wave - again held in non-gallery or performance venues. Together with collaborator Martin Vognsen, she won the Bloomberg Emerging Artist Award in 2011 where they investigated abandoned spaces in Hong Kong through music and dance. In the last 5 years she has been curating certain exhibitions at Blue Lotus Gallery under the guidance of Sarah Greene and this period has deepened her passion and understanding of the medium of photography. She is excited to be working with Wong Wei Him and Mark Lau on the Oi Kwan Barbers project as it bring her 'home' to working in sites that have an important story to tell.
克⾥斯蒂娜·布蘭特·詹森 (Christina Brandt Jensen) 是⼀位訓練有素的編舞家,並將她的背景融⼊策展中 。 熱愛創意表達、社區以及在不尋常的空間中為觀眾創造難忘的體驗。她從早年在倫敦的 Explorer Collective 學習舞蹈時就⼀直在練習活動策劃,為俱樂部和畫廊帶來藝術表演,以致她多年在⾹港指導特定地點的舞蹈,及她所發起的Cheung Chau Wave 浪⻑洲藝術節都是在⾮畫廊或表演場所舉⾏。她與Martin Vognsen ⼀起在 2011 年贏得了彭博新興藝術家獎,並通過⾳樂和舞蹈探索⾹港的廢棄空間。 在過去的 5 年裡,她⼀直在 Sarah Greene 的指導下在 Blue Lotus 畫廊策劃展覽,這段時間加深了她對攝影這⼀媒介的熱情和理解。 她很⾼興能與建築師 王懷謙 和 傳統理髮師 劉嘉誠 ⼀起參與愛群項⽬,因為這讓她在有故事的場所作藝術策展。
Benson Koo
(Wave Channel/Wave Pictures)
"Hong Kong visual artist, video director, and creator. His first solo gallery debuted in The Fringe Club in Hong Kong showcased the “Distortion” Collection. He received Reviewers Award in 2016 at the Unknown ASIA Art Exchange Osaka. “Wave Channel”, was launched in 2018, an online video platform curating and producing many indie short films and documentaries.
The film “Disappeared” put him in first place at the Filming Hong Kong competition hosted by RTHK. He also won the award for Best Director. The other film “Dream criminal” won him second place in the Hong Kong Human Rights Arts Prize 2020. The most recent is “Doomsday phone booth”, an ongoing art project with open submission, visualising the spoken words on doomsday."
"香港視覺藝術,影像導演及創作人。曾於香港藝穗會舉辦首個個人畫展《扭曲》,2016年在大阪新世代藝術博覽會 (Unknown ASIA Art Exchange Osaka) 獲得藝評人推介獎。2018年創辦網上影像平台《浪頻道》策劃及製作多個獨立短片及短篇紀錄片。短片作品《被消失的》在香港電台舉辦的凝視香港短片比賽2019獲得冠軍及最佳導演 ; 另一作品《罪夢犯》獲得香港人權藝術獎2020亞軍 ; 最新的藝術企劃《末日亭》將公開投稿的末日留言影像化,持續至今。
Billy Potts & Ben Marans
(Hong Kong Ghost Signs)
Hong Kong Ghost Signs 記錄了那些被遺忘並褪色的招牌,從欣賞和美學角度出發、研究及探索我城歷史文化。舊招牌記載著香港回憶,細說一個關於設計、書法、文化和人民生活的故事。
Documenting defunct & faded signs around our city, Hong Kong Ghost Signs explores what we can learn by appreciating the disappearing signage of our past and hearing the stories of the businesses and people they once served. The history of Hong Kong is written across its cityscape and it has much to tell us about design, calligraphy, culture and people.
Ollie Rodgers
An independent platform and collective, documenting culture for the people.
Jovin Lee & Atlas Lu
After years of experience as classical and pop musicians, Jovin Lee and Atlas Iu, also known as BURN and telvanni26 have joined forces to create the Producer DJ duo JVSY, debuting as techno producers and sound designer in 2021.
Known for their cross-genre explorations with elements from house, techno, electronica, drum and bass, nu-jazz and more- they incorporate organic instruments and found sounds into their compositions to make their signature cinematic sound.
Giving a strong nod to their background, they also put their experience and newly acquired inspirations into their roles as adept film scorers, composers and session musicians.
經過多年的古典和流行音樂家的經驗,Jovin Lee和Atlas Iu,也被稱為BURN和telvanni26,聯手創建了Producer DJ二人組JVSY,在2021年作為電子製作人和聲音設計師首次亮相。
他們以對House、Techno、Electronica、Drum and Bass、Nu-Jazz等元素的跨流派探索而聞名,他們將有機樂器和發現的聲音融入他們的作品中,形成他們標誌性的電影般的聲音。